Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I am afraid of a bug, there I said It!

This is Halloween, so I figure it would be appropriate to share something very scary. I have a thing with spiders. Yest, I finally came out with it. wolf spiders and jumping spiders are actually just fine, but black widows and daddy lone leg's I have a problem with, (even though daddy long legs aren't spiders)  they are my worst fear lately. I am a bug person, I love bugs, I study them and frame them, I taxon them and label them and love them, but when I was a very small child, I had a very bad dream about a daddy long leg. I dreamed I smashed it with my shoe, but you can never kill the legs! The legs started crawling and moving around and than jumped on my arms. The horror was very discouraging. I finally got over it about 5 months ago. Than I had a run in with a very very big daddy long leg. I felt something on my shoulder as I was collecting insects up the canyon and there it was crawling towards my face. I gave a yelp and had to kind of freak out for about 10 minutes before I knew I survived. So, every time I see a daddy long leg, I think they are very interesting and I want to get closer sometimes, but those little eight legged freaks are so sneaky and always find a way scare the pee out of me!

Now for the black widows. I didn't really have any encounters with them in Orem, but here... they are everywhere! A couple days ago I squashed one in the garage, then I squashed one in my room, than I found one in my bed and then I put the one that was in my bed in the trash thinking I killed it, then It crawled out of the garbage bucket and crawled back in my bed sheets waiting for me that night. I squished it so hard that just the thought of thinking about it makes me feel like I have sinned something awful.  So, I found a wolf spider on my wall last night but that didn't really phase my spirits compared to those black widows. The amazing thing, was that all those back widows were HUGE! every single one was ginormous. I didn't like that at all. 

                                                              I can't wait to go home.

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