The colorful eyes.
I woke up from a curious dream; a dream I thought about for the rest of the day, and you will understand later why, for the rest of the day, I didn’t make much eye contact with anyone. This was the kind of dream that could definitely not come true. But it was still the kind of dream that not many are lucky enough to experience. My dream wasn't inspired by the day before, or from trailing off into thought during a math test. This dream created itself without my consent. My dream was about eyes. They were blue, then green, then they suddenly turned white. Finally, the eyes became absorbed by a face. But the eyes were the only entity that had mattered at the moment. Then they looked away from me and I found myself in a cave. A dark one to, in fact, the only bright or color related objects were those eyes. Outside the entry of the cave was a war taking place. Bombs fell to the sky and lug nuts fell to the ground as if every little part to a plain was completely destroyed just to get my attention. The person who possessed those eyes was sitting on the other side of the cave using a typewriter looking annoyed and bitter as if he the typewriter used him, as if the typewriter owned him and he couldn't stop typing for anything. I could then see a cabinet on one side of him in the shadows of the cave. A bomb could be herd outside. Planes flew over the cave and shook our surrounding. The man with the colorful eyes, which were now turning pink, pulled out something from the cabinet drawer. All of a sudden, a janitor walks into the cave yelling, “The British are coming, the British are coming!" Then he ran back out. I looked back the man in the cave with the colorful eyes. He pulled out a pair of boxing gloves. He put only one on his right hand. One of his eyes slides akuardly to my side of the cave and looks deeper and deeper. He becomes beastly and I crush myself to the wall cave trying to get far away from those eyes. His rite hand slams against the typewriter completely destroying it. Peaces of more lug nuts fly around the cave and jump around like little crickets making small clanking noises until it falls silent again. The eye in my direction turns the color of red wine. All of a sudden the gloved hand shoots my direction and whacks me out of my bead. So please, don’t even look at me.